Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ross Ruffing: Ron Paul- The 10 Principles of a Free Society

Source:Ross Ruffing- Ron Paul.
Source:Ross Ruffing

I'm going to start off this post not trying to sound partisan in an ideological sense which is different than being partisan in a party sense, but Social Democrats (lets call them) not all, but a good deal of them have the sense that democracy is about voting and majority rule. That if fifty-percent or more says this is what we should be doing a country state, country, etc then thats Democracy. So if fifty- percent of the country plus one, or more says free speech is dangerous and therefore it should be outlawed, or gun rights, or religion, whatever the case is, privacy and property rights are also good examples, then the majority should rule and these rights, or just one or some of them should be outlawed to protect the will of the people and so-forth. And that things like requiring a two-thirds in both chamber's of Congress to amend or eliminate parts of the U.S. Constitution are somehow undemocratic.

And that the U.S. Senate which happens to be the upper chamber of the U.S. Congress is somehow undemocratic, because it requires super majorities to pass certain things like treaties as well as constitutional amendments. This might be a form of democracy, but it's not liberal democracy it's what's known as majoritarian democracy, which is different. People tend to forget that Adolph Hitler became Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany by democratic means. By majority vote or his party had the most members of in the Federal Parliament there. But anyone on a two-month drinking binge knows that Adolph Hitler was no Democrat and certainly not a Liberal Democrat. He was simply smart enough to know that he could come to power in Germany and pass his racist Nazi agenda through majoritarian democratic means. What liberal democracy is, it's about individual rights, freedom and constitutional rights for the individual.

And that these things always have to be protected and respected under law, even when and if they were to become unpopular, or with a large minority of people who believe they should be thrown out. Liberal democracy at it's core is individualistic, that we the people are entitled to basic rights that can never be taken away from us as long as we aren't hurting innocent people with what we are doing. Liberal democracy goes to the heart of why I'm a Liberal Democrat and a big part of what I blog about. That we the people are entitled to life, freedom, property rights, that we are able to keep what we make and produce. At least a large percentage of that and be able to keep what we obtain in life and that we can live our own lives as we see fit, as long as we aren't hurting any innocent people with what we are doing. And for me at least it starts with the First Amendment. And then goes to right to privacy, which also covers property rights and every other right thats guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution. Thats what it means to live in a liberal democracy, not majoritarian or social democracy.

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