Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Atlantic: Conor Friedersdorf- 'Why I Refuse to Vote For Barack Obama'

Source:The Atlantic- President Barack H. Obama (Democrat, Illinois) 44th President of the United States.

"Tell certain liberals and progressives that you can't bring yourself to vote for a candidate who opposes gay rights, or who doesn't believe in Darwinian evolution, and they'll nod along. Say that you'd never vote for a politician caught using the 'n'-word, even if you agreed with him on more policy issues than his opponent, and the vast majority of left-leaning Americans would understand. But these same people cannot conceive of how anyone can discern Mitt Romney's flaws, which I've chronicled in the course of the campaign, and still not vote for Obama. 

Don't they see that Obama's transgressions are worse than any I've mentioned?

I don't see how anyone who confronts Obama's record with clear eyes can enthusiastically support him. I do understand how they might concluded that he is the lesser of two evils, and back him reluctantly, but I'd have thought more people on the left would regard a sustained assault on civil liberties and the ongoing, needless killing of innocent kids as deal-breakers." 

The case to vote against Barack Obama, even if you prefer him over Mitt Romney, is because he's not far enough to the left for you politically for you, so you are either going to stay home or vote for some third-party Socialist (take Jill Stein, to use as an example) and then look real hard for someone else to blame when Mitt Romney is elected President in 2012, with a united, Tea Party led, Republican Congress, is like saying your going to starve yourself because you don't like what available to eat. It's self-defeating, at best. 

You care about health care, you want to preserve the Affordable Care Act and if anything improve it, you care about who the next appointments to the Supreme Court are going to be,  you like Social Security and Medicare, our civil rights law, etc, everything that so-called Progressives (who are really just Democratic Socialists) claim to care about, you better not only vote for President Obama, but feel grateful when he's elected President of the United States. 

The choice for President of the United States is not a choice between the perfect versus the incompetent. It's a choice of good versus bad. I'm sure Mitt Romney is a fine man, but with a Republican Congress he'll be a very bad President. But, if Barack Obama is elected President, you have a shot at least of Democrats holding the Senate, at least, and at least picking up seats in the House. And protecting all those priorities that American leftists claim to care about. 

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