Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Reason Magazine: Lisa Kennedy- 'What We Saw at the Drug Enforcement Administration Museum'

Source:Reason Magazine- Don't do drugs, unless you want these boots up your ass. Well, I guess Uncle Sam could say that.

"Since 1999, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has run a museum in Arlington, Virginia that showcases the agency's "tradition of excellence" and the "impact of federal drug law enforcement on the changing trends of licit and illicit drug use in American history."

Visitors can check out a replica of a '70s-era head shop, jerry-rigged works for shooting up and getting high, exhibits dedicated to the opium wars and cocaine cartels, and good, old-fashioned propaganda such as the classic movie Reefer Madness.

Take a guided tour of the place with ReasonTV correspondent Kennedy. And don't forget to exit through the gift shop and pick up DEA compression shorts by Under Armour or a K-9 plush dog stuffed animal.

Shot by Jim Epstein and Joshua Swain. Edited by Swain." 

This is what you won't see at the DEA Museum: 

10s of thousands, if not 100s of thousands of drug addicts in our taxpayer funded jails and prisons, for simply being drug addicts. 

10s of thousands, of not 100s of thousands of taxpaying Americans who are arrested every year for simple possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth, and other illegal narcotics. 

10s of billions, if not hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being wasted on private prisons in America, because our politicians and taxpayers no longer want to pay any new bonds or taxes to fund additional prisons, or expand current prisons, because the so-called War On Drugs is sending so many Americans to jails and prisons in this country. 

I'm not pro-narcotics (illegal or otherwise) unless you consider salt, sugar, and caffeine to be narcotics. I don't even drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. And I'm sure as hell not pro-predatory drug dealers who rely on juveniles and addicts to stay in business. I think there is special place in Hell for predators like that. But the War On Drugs if anything is even worst than illegal narcotics and needs to be abolished for the sake of every hard-working taxpayer in this country.

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