Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gary Johnson: 'End The War on Drugs'

Source:Libertarian Party- a Libertarian Party ad about the so-called War On Drugs.

"Gary Johnson: End the War on Drugs" 

"Tomorrow’s Sunday New York Times’ editorial calling for an end to cannabis prohibition in America, affirms in my mind, after nearly twenty four years publicly advocating for cannabis law reforms at NORML, the end of cannabis prohibition in our nation is nearly upon the rest of the country (beyond Colorado and Washington State, where cannabis is taxed and regulated like alcohol products for responsible adult use). This is the same editorial board and opinions page that would with great frequency in the 1980s/90s publish some of the most stridently pro-cannabis prohibition editorials and columns found anywhere in the world, let alone from the urbane and ‘liberal’ New York Times, led by ardent cannabis foe, former editor and columnist A.M. Rosenthal."
Source:NORML- can't honestly say I disagree.


I'm not saying that we should legalize all illegal narcotics in America. I'm saying we shouldn't put people in prison from using or simply possessing narcotics that are currently illegal. So that's where I disagree with the let's say the base of the Libertarian Party (assuming they even have a base) on narcotics policy in America. I'm all in favor of penalizing people who sell narcotics to minors and addicts, especially minors who are addicts. But that's not what we're talking about here. 

The War On Drugs has failed simply because it's a war against personal choice. We're not talking about murder, rape, battery, or any other serious crime that of course is a felony simply because there are victims involved. We're talking about here what people to do themselves, not others, and what they put into their own bodies. So forcing others to take what they don't want to take. 

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