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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Michelle Rodriguez- The Fast and The Furious (2001)


Source:Alamy Stock Photo- take a ride with Hollywood Goddess Michelle Rodriguez.

Source:Real Life Journal 


From Alamy Stock Photo 

"The Fast and the Furious Deleted Scene Dom & Letty Full Garage scene Kiss. Michelle Rodriguez and Vin Diesel."  

Source:Enduh Utami- Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez.

From Michelle Rodriguez Brazil 

The Fast and The Furious is not one of my favorite movies and certainly not a great movie and perhaps not even a very good movie. It is watchable and it is entertaining and has a lot of good car races and car chases. The cast is fairly good, but this movie is mostly a style movie intended on looking cool based on special effects, catch phrases and the people in it.

Not so much on plot and little and perhaps annoying things to young producers and directors today, things like acting and writing. Not a very good movie based on that, but that is not what this movie is about anyway. But perhaps the best three parts of this movie are Michelle Rodriguez, Vin Diesel and Letty and Dom together. They actually seem like real people in this movie. And not people trying to be someone else. And they look great and are great together. As you see in this deleted scene. 

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