Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Thursday, March 8, 2012

IVN: Wes Messamore- ‘Maryland Handgun Ruling a Victory for Second Amendment Supporters’

Source:IVN- The U.S. Congress in black and white. This could be a scene from Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.

Source:FreeState Now 

“There’s never been a better time in America for gun rights advocates. Starting in 2008 with the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Heller decision, continuing through 2010 with the McDonald case, and showing no signs of abating this Monday after the Woollard ruling was filed by a federal court in Maryland: in just a few short years the country has been swept with a wave of unprecedented court decisions that have amounted to nothing less than a revolution for gun rights and jurisprudence surrounding the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” 

From IVN 

Just to be clear: I’m pro-2nd Amendment and I believe that all adults in the United States that are of sound mind and aren’t criminals and are capable of managing guns, then they should be able to do that if they choose to and can afford it. But as long as we know that they are capable of managing the gun or guns they want to purchase and if they are qualified to manage these guns, then they should have the right to do so. 

As a Liberal, I believe in live and let live, that is we have to live together as a society whether we like it or not, we should just let people live their own lives, just as long as we aren’t hurting innocent people with what they are doing. And we aren’t stuck paying for the consequences of their decisions. Then we should let people live their own lives.

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