Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pacific Street Films: 'Anarchism and the Libertarian Party'

Source:Pacific Street Films- so-called Anarcho-Libertarians wouldn't approve of this activity.

"How the political philosophy of anarchism relates to the Libertarian party (US). From the documentary "Anarchism in America" (1983) by Pacific Street Films." 

The Libertarian Party and the broader movement came about (as I understand it) as a reaction to the New Deal in the 1940s and the Great Society in the 1960s, as a reaction against what they would call big government socialism. They believed a welfare state in America was not needed, bad policy, and unconstitutional. 

The Libertarian Party and Libertarian movement is about defending the U.S. Constitution and fighting against what they would call big government socialism and authoritarianism and promoting limited government and individual liberty. And trying to prevent it from going outside the U.S. Constitution, a big believer in the entire U.S. Constitution. 

People who are called Libertarians use the 10th Amendment (as they see it) to fight against big government. And to keep the Federal Government from getting outside the 10th Amendment and big believers in individual liberty. And that people should be able to live their own lives as they see fit, as long as they are not hurting anyone else with their liberty. 

And if Libertarians were to stick to the core principles of being pro-individual liberty and limited government, they could have a great future and recruit more members to their party. Because I believe a consensus of Americans share these same beliefs. It's when they take it farther than that and sound like anti-government, not anti-big Government, but anti-government, period, that they tend to sound like they just flown down from the Planet Zoltar (or some far out planet) and scare the hell out of taxpayers who don't like high taxes, but don't want government to go away either.

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