Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Friday, October 5, 2012

Liberty Pen: Harry Browne- 'Why Drugs Should Be Legalized'

Source:Liberty Pen- former Libertarian Party presidential nominee Harry Brown in 2000.

"The former Libertarian presidential candidate puts forward a highly compelling case to end the war on drugs. Liberty Pen

From Liberty Pen

Just so I'm completely clear here: I'm not in favor of legalizing all narcotics that are currently illegal. Yes, on legalizing marijuana. I oppose the so-called War On Drugs and want to end it, as well as stop arresting people who are in simple possession of let's say cocaine or heroin, who are addicted to those drugs. But intent to sell those narcotics, especially to addicts or juveniles, should still be illegal in America, as well as importing those illegal narcotics into America from other countries. 

You think health care is too expensive in America already, legalize all narcotics and we'll no longer have a health care system, at least not for people who truly need it, because so much emergency care would then go to drug addicts. 

I'm actually not that far off with Libertarian Harry Browne on this. We both are in favor of legalizing marijuana in America. I would tax and regulate marijuana just like alcohol and would tax tobacco just like alcohol as well. So maybe Mr. Harry Brown and I disagree on that. 

What I would do with cocaine, heroin, meth, is to decriminalize all of them. Instead of putting people in jail or prison for being in possession or using those narcotics, they would instead be sent to a secure, private rehab, at their expense and receive no criminal record, if they complete the program successfully. But continue to crack down on people who either bring those narcotics to this country, or sell them to addicts or juveniles.

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