Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Reason Magazine: 'Are We In the Final Days of Marijuana Prohibition?'

Source:Reason Magazine- high on marijuana. (Pun intended)

"There' a rising tide of acceptance of the fact that people are going to smoke marijuana, and it's like the prohibition against alcohol in the 1930s. There's a recognition that perhaps the laws are causing more harm than the drugs themselves," says Rick Steves, author and travel host.

Steves and others attended "The Final Days of Prohibition" conference in downtown Los Angeles in early October. The conference was put on by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), and Reason TV was on the scene to ask about the future of marijuana laws in the U.S., particularly in the upcoming election where the states of Oregon, Washington, and Colorado all have marijuana legalization initiatives on the ballot." 

The War on Drugs, especially as it relates to marijuana, is a perfect example for why I don't believe most Americans are stupid, because we are waking up as a country to fact of how stupid this prohibition is.

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