Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Monday, October 1, 2012

Reason Magazine: 'Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney: Special Interactive Nanny of the Month!'

Source:Reason Magazine- if you are in love with big government, I have a good choice for you.

"President Barack Obama. Gov. Mitt Romney. Who's more committed to minding other people's business?

This month Nanny of the Month turns three-years-old (!) and for the first time ever you the viewers will decide who takes home top dishonors in this "very special" election edition.

So will you vote for the the pro-drug war, pro-smoking ban, pro-health insurance mandate, pro-Patriot Act candidate who supports cracking down on medical marijuana and online poker? Or maybe you'll pull the lever (well, click the screen) for  the pro-drug war, pro-smoking ban, pro-health insurance mandate, pro-Patriot Act candidate who supports cracking down on medical marijuana and online poker.

Either way freedom loses. But hey, that's democracy!

Doesn't matter if you're under 18, a convicted felon, illegal immigrant or even foreigner who's never set foot in America--as long as you can click a mouse, you can vote (as often as you like!) in Reason TV's very special Election Edition Nanny of the Month." 

Yeah, neither Barack Obama or Mitt Romney are very good when it comes to limited government and protecting our personal freedom. The only thing I would add to this is that they support big government for different reasons and most of them being political. 

If either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney were caught being honest (by perhaps some journalist doing their job) I think neither one of them would be fans of the War On Drugs, or banning same-sex-marriage, or online gambling.

President Obama seems to believe he can't be reelected without Independent voters, who perhaps he has stereotyped, as mushy-middle, voters, who apparently love the War On Drugs and bans on same-sex-marriage and gambling, but don't know what they think about anything else. 

Governor Romney officially supports the War On Drugs, same-sex-marriage bans, and bans on online poker, because he has his Christian-Right, who don't like him to begin with, because when Mitt's being politically honest (which happens as often as peace breaking out in the Middle East) Mitt is essentially a Northeastern, Progressive Republican, who comes from the Nelson Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party. But he wants to be President of the United States, his only shot at that is with the Republican Party, so he makes up different political characters for himself and uses them he thinks he politically needs them.

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