Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lew Rockwell: Daniel J. Sanchez: 'Vote For Liberty by Not Voting'

Source:Daniel J. Sanchez- is a columnist for Lew Rockwell.

"He may not be perfect, but at least he is better than Obama." Even some former Ron Paul supporters have given this line as an excuse for supporting Mitt Romney for the United States Presidency.

The line betrays a deep misunderstanding of what liberty means.

As many libertarians have already pointed out, Romney is not nearly as different from Obama as is commonly supposed. But more importantly, in some vital ways he is actually worse.

The "better than Obama" way of thinking implicitly throws the entire anti-war aspect of libertarianism under the bus. The thinking runs as follows: "Romney may be expected to have an even more imperialist foreign policy than Obama, but he is better than Obama on domestic economic affairs, and that is obviously what matters most."

This is in stark contrast to Ron Paul's own way of thinking. Ron Paul may be in the same party as Romney. But this by no means indicates that Paul himself would consider Romney an improvement over Obama. In fact, it is probably more likely that the prospect of the neocons returning to full power in Romney's wake is more frightening to Paul than the prospect of Obama being given a chance to double-down on his domestic agenda." 

You vote for liberty by voting for candidates who believe in it. And not voting for people who claim that big government is a problem, but only speak out against big government, when it has something to do with the economy or religion. But won't take stands on critical social issues and civil liberties, because they say the election is about the economy. 

In other words, if you believe in liberty, don't vote for so-called Christian-Conservatives (even though they don't believe in conserving anything) or so-called Progressives (who are Socialists in actuality) because the so-called Christian-Right will attack our social freedom. And Socialists will go after our money and even what comes out of our mouths and in some cases even, what goes into our mouths.

So, yes, I agree with Daniel Sanchez here. If you don't want more Federal involvement into the economy and don't want taxes and regulations to go, don't vote for President Obama. But if you don't want more American military intervention into the rest of the world, don't vote for Governor Romney. And vote for Governor Gary Johnson instead.

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