Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Talking Points Memo: Kyle Leighton- 'Will President Obama Be A Down-Ballot Drag?'

Source:Talking Points Memo- poll tracker Kyle Leighton.

"Will President Obama Be A Down-Ballot Drag?" 

Well, if you want a very political, inside the beltway answer to Kyle Leighton's question, I'll give it to you anyway. It depends. Oh, you want more, well I'll give it to you anyway. 

In states where Senate Democrats are up, but where Mitt Romney will probably win that state like Indiana, Missouri, Montana, President Obama won't be much of a help, at least publicly and campaigning for Joe Donnelly in Indiana, Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Jon Tester in Montana. He might be able to help them raise money and help Democrats get out the vote, but he doesn't actually need to be in those states to help those Democrats with that. 

So if you are just looking at this politically from a Democratic perspective, if the President is popular in your state and in you are in a tough election battle, you use him as much as you can. But if he's not popular in your state, you might be on your own or having to rely on a weak Republican, statewide candidate, or a combination of the two to get reelected or elected to the U.S. Senate this year.

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