Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Monday, June 18, 2012

Talking Points Memo: 'Republicans Fire Away At Obama Over Immigration Policy Change'

Source:Talking Points Memo- U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (Republican, Alabama) blowing another socket over something that President Obama did.

"Republicans Fire Away At Obama Over Immigration Policy Change" 

At risk of playing what about: where was all of this Congressional Republican hissy-fitting over immigration, when then President George W. Bush did the exact same, damn thing that President Barack Obama has one, but back in 2006? 

Seriously, if anyone can come up with any Republican in Congress (House or Senate) who had a problem with President Bush's executive order over immigration that allowed Latin-Americans immigrants who were in America illegally, but have obeyed the law ever since and who have kids who are in America illegally in America only because their parents brought them here illegally, to stay in the country legally, so along they obey ever law going forward and pay their taxes, please share that with me and this blog. 

Not even freakin Representative Steve King (Republican, Iowa) whose probably the most anti-immigrant and Latino member of Congress right now, who was in the House back in 2006, had a problem with President Bush's executive order. 

All of this Republican hissy-fitting and temper-tampering is about, is that a Democratic President has done the same thing and they believe they have to have their anti-Latino, anti-Obama, anti-Modern America base with them on November, in order to get reelected in an election where we'll probably have high turnout, including from Latino-Americans who'll probably vote Democratic overwhelmingly this year.

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