Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Robert Wenzel: Murray Rothbard On Milton Friedman's Negative Income Tax (1968)

Source:Robert Wenzel- Murray Rothbard, perhaps in 1968 or 69.

"Murray Rothbard On Milton Friedman's Plan to Make Welfare Payments Efficient" 

I don't think Professor Milton Friedman was ever in favor of any type of public safety net. But in the late 1960s, like with crime, racial and civil unrest, crime and Welfare were major issues in America. To the point that Professor Friedman felt the need to speak out about Welfare, since he was an economics professor and thought he would get into the debate and offer a serious compromise to either government doing nothing on Welfare, or government giving people in poverty large, taxpayer funded, Welfare payments, to support themselves and their families.

What Professor Friedman proposed in I believe 1968, was what he called the Negative Income Tax. It would replace the entire Federal safety net in America and replace it would one, big Welfare check, that people in poverty could use to cover their housing, food, health care, etc. But no more Medicaid, Aid To Dependent Families, Food Stamps, etc. William F. Buckley thought the Friedman plan was so interesting, that he had Professor Friedman on his Firing Line program in 1968 to debate the Friedman plan with Professor Friedman.

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