Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Liberty Pen: 'Murray Rothbard - Involuntary Commitment'

Source:Liberty Pen- with a look at involuntary commitment.

"On the practice of locking people up on the grounds they are a potential danger to themselves or others. Liberty Pen"

From Liberty Pen 

Sounds like what Liberty Pen is arguing here, is that committing people who are mentally ill, even non-criminals and people who are just incompetent and suffer from mental illness, somehow violates the rights of the mentally ill. Which just sounds ridiculous on its face. 

I mean how free can a mentally ill or incompetent person be anyway? Especially how free can they can to control what happens to their own lives? And if they do represent some physical danger to society, like not being able to control their anger and temper and act out violently when they're angry and because of those things, to represent a real threat to a free society, even if they're not career criminals, I believe society has a right to protect itself. And that's one of the reasons why we have prisons and mental hospitals, to protect the free society.

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