Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Reason Magazine: Nick Gillespie- Interviewing Rob Kampla: 'A Great Year For Pot, Freedom, and Ending the Drug War'

Source:Reason Magazine- Talking to the Marijuana Policy Project.
"It was a wonderful feeling, being in that celebration with people in Colorado," says Rob Kampia, head of the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), of his Election Night 2012 experience.

Thanks in part to the efforts of MPP, Colorado and Washington became the first two states to fully legalize recreational marijuana use and possession."

From Reason Magazine

A great year as it relates to individual freedom at least as it relates to marijuana and the War on Drugs. Where I believe a majority of Americans are now finally coming around to the idea of how much the the War on Drugs has failed and how stupid it is and if you listen to the Marijuana Policy Project, you'll know why.

The referendum in Colorado worked especially, because medical marijuana is already legal there so Coloradans are already familiar with marijuana and also because of how the pro marijuana legalization supporters pushed this referendum that marijuana would be treated and subjected to the same taxes and regulations as alcohol. Not that marijuana would be legal but with no strings to go along with it, where it would be available to kids. Which was very smart on their part and gave the opponents less ammunition to use against them. Making supporters of marijuana legalization look exactly like the way they are , which is sane and sober. At least most of the time.

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