Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Friday, November 30, 2012

Brook Siliva-Braga: Ron Paul: 'Democrats & Republicans Are Dinosaurs

Source:Ron Paul- Brook Silva-Braga, I believe interviewing U.S. Representative Ron Paul, back in 2008.
"Ron Paul: Republican and Democrats are dinosaurs"

Source: Ron Paul 

I at least borderline hate the two-party system and this is coming from a let's say Independent Democrat, whose only a Democrat because Democrats tend to believe in progress and pluralism. And I'll be a Democrat, as long as the Far-Left of the party (Democratic Socialists and Neo-Communists) don't take over the party. 

But I think I agree with Ron Paul, at least to this extent and perhaps would put it differently. The two-party system in America is a dinosaur. We simply have two main parties, but in name only. We have a Democratic Party that not just represents the Center-Left (the real Progressives) in America, but the Far-Left (the Socialists) and parts of the Center-Right (the Classical Liberals) who are not Republicans because of the Christian-Right. 

And then we have a Republican Party that use to at least represent the Center-Right in America (Classical Conservatives and Right-Progressives) but now they represent the Far-Right (Nationalist-Populists and Christian-Theocrats) and certain extent Libertarians. So we have maybe 5 different parties in America, at least ideologically, but we really only have two main political parties. And that needs to change, if we're ever going to have a functioning political system, that can govern the country again and isn't thrown out every two years.

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