Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Liberty Pen: Milton Friedman- Adequate Housing

Source:Liberty Pen- Professor Milton Friedman, talking about affordable housing in 1978,
"Professor Friedman is asked what policies he would propose to ensure adequate housing for the poor.  Liberty Pen." 

Asking Milton Friedman the question what would be a good policy that would achieve adequate housing for the poor, is the wrong question to ask Professor Friedman. Because he didn't see government's role to provide the poor an adequate living. What he supported was creating a system that would work for everyone and empower more people to make as good of a life as possible for them self so we wouldn't have so many poor people in this country. So a better question to ask Professor Friedman would be something to the effect, of what would be the best policies or system that would empower as many people to be successful in life, so we wouldn't have as many poor people in this country. Because of all the new opportunity that would be created. With all of these Americans able to get a good education that allows them to be successful in life. So they don't have to live off of public assistance, whether it's public housing, or a combination of public assistance programs. That would've been a proper question to ask Professor Friedman.

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