Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reason Magazine: Nick Gillespie- '3 Reasons Conservatives Should Cut Defense Spending Now!'

Source:Reason Magazine- no wonder The Pentagon is so big: we spend 700 hundred billion on it every year.

"The Congressional Budget Office projects that if we keep spending the way we have been, federal debt held by the public will grow from around 60 percent of GDP to a whopping 82 percent of GDP over the next decade, with no end in sight. That's the sort of borrowing that can ruin a country's economy.... 

If you want to know why we have trillion-dollar budget deficit and a 17 trillion-dollar national debt, I'll tell you anyway: 

When you borrow 700 billion-dollars to double the size of a Medicare program that's already facing financial problems and go to war twice in 18 months thousands of miles from home against third-world countries that represent no threat to us, and are responsible for the national defense for other developed countries and they get that defense at American taxpayers expense, you are going to run high deficits every year and pile on your national debt. Oh yeah, the Great Recession and the steps that were taken to deal with it are also part of our budget deficit. 

To say that there is no room to cut in the defense budget, is like saying there's no more water in the Pacific Ocean. I guess people were just too thirsty and ran out of places to bathe. It makes absolutely no sense and and is completely believable. It's also admitting that you are not a fiscal conservative and you don't give a damn about fiscal responsibility. 

You can't cut Food Assistance and Public Housing your way to fiscal sanity and health and to one day when you've finally balanced the budget. You have to go where the money is, which is in defense, entitlements, and the tax code that almost no one understands. 

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