Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Thursday, January 26, 2012

CNN: U.S. Representative Ron Paul- 'Ready To Be The Oldest President'

Source:CNN- U.S. Representative Ron Paul (Libertarian, Texas) at the CNN GOP debate.

"Ron Paul says he is ready to be oldest president of the United States and he is willing to release his medical records." 

From CNN 

I'm not sure that Ron Paul is prepared to be the oldest President of the United States, not because he's not physically and mentally fit to be President, but because I believe he's realistic enough and tends to walk on Planet Earth with both of his feet on the ground and knows he's not going to be President of the United States. 

This populist-Christian-Right-Tea Party (also known as the modern Republican Party) is simply not going to nominate for President, a Libertarian who wants nothing to do with the Cultural War, let alone would fight that war for them as President. Libertarians believe in to each his own and live and let live. Which are actually Christian values, as well as Libertarian values. But they're not modern Republican Party values.

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