Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Peter Schiff: Michael Moore: ‘Americans Wouldn’t Need Guns if We Had More Welfare’

Source:Peter Schiff- talking about New-Left political activist Michael Moore.

Source:FreeState Now

“Looks like I read the gun survey wrong. In my defense, the first time I looked at it was live on the show as I read it. It turns out that 44% of whites own guns while only 27% of blacks do. A correct reading of the data reveals that while Whites represent 78% of the population, they represent 85% of gun owners. Since white gun owners may possess more guns than non-white owners, Moore’s 90% statistic may be accurate. However, as whites as a group are more affluent than blacks, there are many other items they are more likely to possess. Also, whites are far more likely to be hunters than blacks, so are more likely to own guns for that purpose. In addition, gun ownership is more heavily concentrated in rural areas. As a disproportionate number of blacks live in cities, their percentage of gun ownership is naturally lower.”

To answer Peter Schiff’s question: yes, you can be racist towards your own race. You can be a member of one race and not like that race and the people who are members of that race and see them as inferior and everything else.

I’m not calling Michael Moore a racist, necessarily, he might just be a left-wing demagogue to appeal to the Far-Left flank in America and to look cool with those people. Similar to how Governor George Wallace said horrible things about African-Americans in the 1960s, to appeal to right-wing populists in America.

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