Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Liberty Pen: The Open End With Ron Suskind- 'Property Rights Up In Smoke'

Source:Liberty Pen- holy smokes, Batman! Tobacco under attack on The Open End With Ron Suskind. LOL

"Liberty is lost incrementally. One increment was losing domain over the air in one's private property. Liberty Pen

From Liberty Pen

Tobacco is the perfect example of why regulation beats prohibition, as bad as tobacco is with all of the diseases it's linked to, we'll never be able to eliminate tobacco from America. This is a realization that we've made as a country, that we are not going to try to protect Americans from themselves when it comes to tobacco and alcohol. And it's time we made the same decision with marijuana as well. But the debate when it comes to tobacco is a little different. 

The tobacco debate is a little different because when a non-smoker such as myself or someone else is in the presence of any other non-smoker, the tobacco of the smoker directly affects the health of the non- smoker. 2nd hand smoking is actually worse for you then 1st hand smoking. Which is why people are prohibited from smoking tobacco in a lot of public places, like hospitals and schools. (To use as examples) If you are in the hospital for Lung Cancer, a horrible disease, the last thing you need to do is breathing someone else's tobacco, breathing is already hard enough. 

What we've decided as a country that people have the Freedom of Choice in whether to smoke tobacco or not. But they don't have the Freedom of Choice to decide whether others should be forced to smoke as well.

As a Liberal I'm a big believer in Freedom of Choice but again a long as people aren't hurting innocent people with the choices that they make. We aren't saying as a country generally that Americans can't smoke or can't smoke in bars (and that sort thing) but what we are saying is that smokers can't force others to breathe their smoke. Which is why we have smoking sections in bars and non-smoking sections. Smoking in America is essentially the freedom to hurt yourself but not the freedom to hurt others with your smoking.

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