Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Saturday, July 14, 2012

CNBC: Maria Bartiromo- Peter Schiff & Diana Carew: Debate Student Loans Bailout

Source:CNBC- Peter Schiff debating Diana Carew on CNBC. If you want to call it a debate. It's more like who can get more words in about 5 minutes.

"Barclays warns student loan defaults are underestimated by at least $225 billion. Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital, and Diana Carew, Progressive Policy Institute, debate whether the government should have gotten involved in the first place." 

If you want to ask me who won this debate on CNBC (if you want to call it that) next question, because it really wasn't a debate. And Maria Bartiromo the supposed moderator, apparently was just there mostly as a spectator I guess enjoying the action. But what they were supposed to be talking about here is obviously an important subject which is college affordability in America. 

I guess it depends on what side you some down on here: if you think that the government, especially the Federal Government has any role in the economy, then you think they have a role in education as well. Probably not to run education or to try to Federalize education, including higher education. But a role (whatever that role is) in seeing that as many people as possible have access to a quality education, including a quality higher education in America. 

Now, if you think that government has no role in the economy, like a Libertarian (classical or Anarcho) you think that of course government has no role here. And you'll use the familiar talking points: it's unconstitutional or corrupt, incompetent or all those things. Which is basically what Libertarian economist Peter Schiff was doing here. 

What I think we need in this country is a system where all qualified students whether they're just about to graduate high school or are looking to go back to school and get additional skills, like people who are now working part-time to some job that they're way overqualified for, because they can no longer find a good job in their field, can go to college, or just go to a junior college or vocational skills to get those skills. But you don't get there by putting the Federal Government completely in charge of the student loan industry. Which is what we have now.

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