Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Townhall: Andrew Klavan- 'Liberalism Exposed: Beyond the Elitist, Preening America-Hating Stereotypes'

Source:Townhall- if definition of asshole is someone who speaks out of their ass, then Andrew Klavan uses the toilet face first. And that's as clean as I can make that.

"Have you ever wondered how liberals think? PJTV's Andrew Klavan takes you inside the mind of a liberal ... and it ain't brain surgery." 

From Townhall 

Before anyone accuses me of talking about something that I haven't even seen and heard before, I watched and listened to the entire Andrew Klavan video for Townhall magazine (the right-wing version of The Onion) and kept hearing him say the word liberal. But for the life of me I'm still trying to figure who he was talking about. 

Someone could keep using the word hamburger or hot dog when they're talking about lettuce, but unless you are blind and have never even tasted a hot dog or hamburger, why would someone who is sane, sober, intelligent, not currently confined at a mental institution, or an escaped mental patient who forgot to take their medicine with them. take that person seriously. 

And then my third response is maybe Andrew Klavan is just a comedian and trying to be funny when talking about Liberals. Except where's the punchlines in anything that he was talking about? 

In case Andrew Klavan was talking about someone else and a different political faction instead, but forgot to take his medicine and the word liberal kept coming out when he meant to use another label instead, here's a definition of a political faction that he might have been talking about instead, but instead kept saying Liberal: 

Socialist: "In 1990, the São Paulo Forum was launched by the Workers' Party (Brazil), linking left-wing socialist parties in Latin America. Its members were associated with the Pink tide of left-wing governments on the continent in the early 21st century. Member parties ruling countries included the Front for Victory in Argentina, the PAIS Alliance in Ecuador, Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front in El Salvador, Peru Wins in Peru, and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, whose leader Hugo Chávez initiated what he called "Socialism of the 21st century".

Many mainstream democratic socialist and social democratic parties continued to drift right-wards. On the right of the socialist movement, the Progressive Alliance was in 2013 by current or former members of the Socialist International. The organisation states the aim of becoming the global network of "the progressive, democratic, social-democratic, socialist and labour movement".[293][294] Mainstream social democratic and socialist parties are also networked in Europe in the Party of European Socialists formed in 1992. Many of these parties lost large parts of their electoral base in the early 21st century. This phenomenon is known as Pasokification[295][296] from the Greek party PASOK, which saw a declining share of the vote in national elections — from 43.9% in 2009 to 13.2% in May 2012, to 12.3% in June 2012 and 4.7% in 2015 — due to its poor handling of the Greek government-debt crisis and implementation of harsh austerity measures.[297][298] In Europe, the share of votes for such parties was at its 70-year lowest in 2015.[299] For example, the French Socialist Party, after winning the 2012 presidential election, rapidly lost its vote share; the Social Democratic Party of Germany's fortunes declined rapidly from 2005 to 2019; and outside Europe the Israeli Labor Party fell from being the dominant force in Israeli politics to 4.43% of the vote in the April 2019 Israeli legislative election, and the Peruvian Aprista Party went from ruling party in 2011 to a minor party. The decline of these mainstream parties opened space for more radical and populist left parties in some countries, such as Spain's Podemos, Greece's Syriza (which was in government 2015–19), Germany's Die Linke and France's La France Insoumise. In other countries, left-wing revivals have taken place within mainstream democratic socialist and centrist parties, as with Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and Bernie Sanders in the US. However, few of these radical left parties have won national government in Europe, while some more mainstream social democratic parties have managed to, such as Portugal's Socialist Party." 

From Wikipedia 

Again just in case when Andrew Klavan had a different label in mind when he kept saying Liberal, because again perhaps he was off his meds and or had one too many before shooting the video, here's the definition of the people he might have actually been talking about instead of liberal: 

Communist: "Walter Scheidel stated that despite wide-reaching government actions, Communist states failed to achieve long-term economic, social and political success.[129] The experience of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the North Korean famine, and alleged economic underperformance when compared to developed free market systems are cited as examples of Communist states failing to build a successful state while relying entirely on what they view as orthodox Marxism.[130][131][page needed] Despite those shortcomings, Philipp Ther [de] stated that there was a general increase in the standard of living throughout Eastern Bloc countries as the result of modernization programs under Communist governments.[132] Branko Milanović wrote that following the end of the Cold War many of those countries economies declined to such an extent during the transition to capitalism that they have yet to return to the point they were prior to the collapse of communism.[133] According to anthropologist Kristen Ghodsee and philosopher Scott Sehon, there is a "victims of Communism" narrative which seeks to equate communism with murder, for instance by erecting billboards in Times Square which declare "100 years, 100 million killed" and "Communism kills";[114] for Ghodsee, conservative and anti-communist organizations seek to institutionalize the "victims of Communism" narrative as a double genocide theory, or the moral equivalence between the Nazi Holocaust (race murder) and those killed by Communist states (class murder). According to this view, these are suspect efforts to distract from the global financial crisis and the failures of neoliberalism.[134]

As of 2022, states controlled by Marxist–Leninist parties under a single-party system include the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.[nb 5] Communist parties, or their descendant parties, remain politically important in several other countries. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Fall of Communism, there was a split between those hardline Communists, sometimes referred to in the media as neo-Stalinists, who remained committed to orthodox Marxism–Leninism, and those, such as The Left in Germany, who work within the liberal-democratic process for a democratic road to socialism,[140] while other ruling Communist parties became closer to democratic socialist and social-democratic parties.[141] Outside Communist states, reformed Communist parties have led or been part of left-leaning government or regional coalitions, including in the former Eastern Bloc. In Nepal, Communists (CPN UML and Nepal Communist Party) were part of the 1st Nepalese Constituent Assembly, which abolished the monarchy in 2008 and turned the country into a federal liberal-democratic republic, and have democratically shared power with other communists, Marxist–Leninists, and Maoists (CPN Maoist), social democrats (Nepali Congress), and others as part of their People's Multiparty Democracy.[142][143]

China has reassessed many aspects of the Maoist legacy, and along with Laos, Vietnam, and to a lesser degree Cuba, has decentralized state control of the economy in order to stimulate growth. These reforms are sometimes described by outside commentators as a progression to, and by some left-wing critics as a regression to capitalism, or as state capitalism, but the ruling parties describe it as a necessary adjustment to existing realities in the post-Soviet world in order to maximize industrial productive capacity. In these countries, the land is a universal public monopoly administered by the state, and so are natural resources and vital industries and services. The public sector is the dominant sector in these economies and the state plays a central role in coordinating economic development.[citation needed] Chinese economic reforms were started in 1978 under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, and since then China has managed to bring down the poverty rate from 53% in the Mao era to just 6% in 2001." 

From Wikipedia 

Just in case there's anyone who actually wants to know what Liberals believe in and what liberalism actually is, including the Andrew Klavan's of the world (when they're not drunk, high, insane, or suffering from brain damage) here's the actual definition of what it means to be a Liberal: 

Liberal: "Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy.[11] Yellow is the political colour most commonly associated with liberalism." 

From Wikipedia 

And there's another school of thought here that Andrew Klavan is nothing but a right-wing, hyper-partisan, professional bullshit artist, similar to Anne Coulter, who makes his living bullshitting about Liberals and liberalism, because he's afraid of too many Americans finding out what Liberals truly believe and liberalism actually is. Which is where a lot of Americans tend to be ideologically, as freedom-loving Americans who simply want the freedom to be able to live their own lives and not be harassed by big government. 

Americans tend not want big government that comes from Washington elitists who think they know best what everyone needs to be able to live well and that individuals are too stupid to manage their own affairs for themselves. Or right-wing populists who believe that their religious and cultural and even at times ethnic and racial values are far superior to everyone else's and therefor they believe that big government should be able to force their cultural and religious values on everyone else. 

I think my last theory is the correct one here, because it's hard to believe that anyone can actually be this politically stupid in America and get paid well to be a political analyst. Of course I've been wrong about the intelligence of political pundits before. 

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