Freedom or Totalitarianism

Freedom or Totalitarianism
Liberty or Death

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Marijuana Community: 'Gary Johnson- on Legalizing Marijuana'

Source:Marijuana Community- Governor Gary Johnson (Republican, New Mexico) on marijuana legalization.

"Gary Johnson On Legalizing Marijuana! PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE! MARIJUANA COMMUNITY CHANNEL Subscribe For More Recent Video Updates?" 

Source:FreeState Now- Governor Gary Johnson (Republican, New Mexico) on marijuana legalization.
Why do we have two-million people in prison in America, the largest Prison Population in the world, at least on a per-capita basis, because we lock up people and send them to prison who don't represent a threat to society. 

We lock up people for what they do to themselves. We lock up people for what they do to themselves rather than what they do to others. In other words: the War on Drugs in America is at fault for our huge prison population. We are a liberal democracy and I'm a Liberal Democrat whois  proud to live in this liberal democracy. But of course we are not a perfect liberal democracy.

Gary Johnson who describes his politics as classical liberal who is running for President in the Republican Party, but you wouldn't know that, because he's only been allowed to appear at one presidential debate, understands this because he was Governor of New Mexico which of course borders Mexico. They actually have about a thousand-mile border with Mexico and have their own drug issues as a result of Mexico.

But Johnson did as Governor of Mexico was very smart and clever and forward-thinking. He pardoned marijuana users who weren't violent offenders, who didn't have a bad record in prison. That alone brings down your prison population and allows you to use that prison space for violent offenders instead. And New Mexico has an organized gang problem and this helped them with that. 

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